Monday, February 9, 2009

Hope Ehh

I had hope that we could solve this financial crisis until today. That’s right. This pork bill has nothing to do with the economy. Well very little. I’ll give “Him” that their are a few billion dollars in there that might cut taxes. But certainly not the business tax rate. Or the capital gains. No this bill will do the opposite of stimulating the economy. Yeah the economy will come back (hopefully) but not because of this bill. Fake jobs go away. Just like the did when FDR (author of the RAW deal) created them. See an economy’s prosperity is directly related to the prosperity of the private sector. Big business, small business, medium business, publicly traded business, car companies, banks, and on and on. This is a fact. FACT. How can I prove this you ask? Well its simple. The governments prosperity is drawn (in the long term, and I plan on being in this Country longer than “His” one term) directly from taxes. Taxes generated by income made in the private sector. I just said "governments prosperity". I'm going to go throw up on my copy of the constitution.

So , there is a pie called the world’s GDP and it has to be divided up. The pie can grow larger with innovation or new industries. New segments of the population stepping up to the plate. But obviously none of that is happening now. In fact a larger portion of the population is now going back to the dugout for more free peanuts and Gatorade. (terrible analogy). So when “He” gives a large portion of my money (10k per household) to government he is taking away from my pie. And I’m hungry. Cause I’m an American. We like to work. We like to prosper. We like to give our best and have something to show for it. Or at least we used to…
But enjoy working for the next few months or however long it takes for you to pay “His” plans tab b/c its not your money. I figure I will now work till about May paying for my portion of the bill. Of course I’m ignoring the fact that tons of people don’t pay taxes so my burden is larger than that. Yeah I’m being punished for working. Fantastic. Just what we need to bring the economy back. And don’t get sentimental on me. I give hundreds a paycheck to welfare. Just not by choice. And no I don’t even want to give that much. Let me decide who I give my money to. Anyways, …
So yes I have lost hope. It will come back but let me have my moment. Also, I will be emailing and calling the three “republicans” that kept the others from filibustering this bill. I will also call the RNC and tell them to deny any funding to those senators campaigns in the future. I do not want them in office. Lets call a dog a dog and get a Democrat in those three seats if that’s what those wackos that live up there want.

And I encourage you all to rip into your senators and representatives. Plus emailing the white house and telling them to leave America alone might be a good idea as well.

And yes I’m listening to some rock music right now. I need to release. AFI. Fantastic. Probably voted for Obama. Wrote this on a macbook. Jobs loves Obama. Capitalism has been good to these people though. Why vote against it?


Danielle said...

I was laughing when you said you were going to go throw up on your copy of the constitution...When you get married be sure to claim single on your taxes...Just in case you haven't already thought of that, which I'm sure you have. Just another way to keep some of your money.

Andrew said...

Peanuts and Gatorade... haha, nice. If only I could receive a bag of peanuts and an ice cold gatorade for the truckload of taxes I'm about to pay the FED.