Sunday, February 8, 2009


Paging all those who like critical thought, debate, religion, politics, faith, science, and then some!!!! I just saw Expelled which is a documentary by Ben Stein. Basically he is taking on the questions of intelligent design. There is no way that I can convey the message better than him but I will at least give a summary and encourage you to watch the movie.

So what Mr. Stein does is question what happens to those scientists that mention intelligent design. And the answer is that they lose funding, are fired, denied tenure, or basically have their academic careers ruined. He sets the movie up with questions or hypothesis and then provides answers through interviews on both sides of the issue. Its actually quite scientific. Ha. K. The movie then goes into how Darwinism is essential for Nazism. Though all Darwinists are not Nazi’s of course, but Nazi’s must be Darwinists. That believing in a race being inferior and that cleansing the world of that race is simply a bi-product of natural selection. That Hitler was in his view helping evolution.

Believing in evolution breeds atheist and a devaluation of the human life. This is one of the major themes. That there is a war between religion and science. As a person who has loved science his whole life and has a strong faith that is central to my life, none of that makes sense to me. I feel like I can research animal species or medicine or space and my beliefs will not in the least effect that research. This is simply another attack on faith.

Anyways, watch the documentary. Its well worth your time.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hey Logan,

Great meeting you at Dervish tonight...I see you are a fellow blogger.

A buddy if mine at the Heritage Foundation actually contributed the film. He invited me to the premiere. Ben Stein was there and spoke at length about the film. it was great stuff.