Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So I have a few clients in Houston and I have to be down here for about 6-8 weeks a year. I know absolutely no one in Houston. Drew did live here until he left me for China, but anyway... the point of this post is that a hurricane hit here last summer. Not only did it damage a lot of roofs, of which i could see when we flew in, but it also apparently cause some type of mold or something in the Holiday Inn Express on 59. Of course they don't tell you these things till you get here. Anyways, of course its still full price (not that I'm paying). So long story short there is a giant floor to ceiling 3 foot wide gap in the sheetrock in my hotel room with plastic on it. Behind the sheetrock is cinder blocks with only space for metal beams they used to hang the sheetrock with. So its not like there is a hole there but for 140 a night its ridiculous.

speaking of, those with an iphone listen up. If you like tower defense games, and who doesn't, fieldrunners is awesome. really just an awesome fun game. and also sim city just came out for iphone. I haven't made my decision to get it yet b/c its 10 bucks and would consume a ton of time, but it looks awesome on youtube.

I can't believe I'm going to be on vacation for 15 days starting friday at 5 when i get to the airport and have a drink at the airport bar. Speaking of, who doesn't love airport bars. I mean they are usually decent bars. mostly overpriced. but it seems they always make the drinks strong. however, the best part is of course that you are going somewhere. work is over. vacation is on its way. no one goes to an airport bar before the 7 am monday business flight. heck im still asleep for those. but those friday afternoon airport bar times are golden. everyone is having a blast. so fun. one time our plane was delayed and pretty much everyone on the plane was trashed. like the movie soul plane but without a "real" dancefloor and all the booty music. we ended up landing at like 1 AM b/c of a huge storm and delays. About 80% of the people were still up and the conversations were definitely bar conversations. Never before have I seen a plane that lands at 1AM have more than 10% of the people awake. This was a party. Lawyers, Accountants, investment brokers, and salesmen all talking about who is hot or not and cussing about their favorite football team to a bunch of people they don't know. Hilarious. And of course southwest gave free drinks for the delay making the situation even better. I hope this friday its a party plane as well. Albiet an on-time one. 1 point.


Aggie said...

I guess there are greener pastures than vacationing in lubbock, but wish you were here. And keep us updated on whatever fun you're having that I can't be a part of

Caseyindallas said...

Have you actually seen the movie Soul Plane? If so, I will add that little known fact to my Logan File.

Andrew said...

Sorry I can't be in glorious Houston, TX for you brother. That sounds like the most exciting plane trip ever. More fun than mine from Vegas-SF-Shanghai, that's for sure.