Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Dream

So Casey had a dream the other night and I have to mention it because its probably my favorite dream of all time of any dream i've ever heard.  (was that a run-on?)

ok, so basically I'm this financial market leader type figure.  Wall street type guy but pretty famous like say JP Morgan in the 30s or whatever.  Something like that...  anyways I figured out how to fix the current economy.  Now the government doesn't want anyone to know these solutions that I have found b/c they want to control our lives.  So I tell a few influential people when and where so I can get the word out before they catch me.  I'm standing on the corner of the stock exchange on Wall Street explaining to the people how to fix the situation.  basically I'm thinking on my own.  Clearly not what "the man" wants.  Everyone is trying to write down these things I am saying.  Some government agent hears me on the street and alerts the FBI who is of course already on to me.  The people listening basically know I'm going to be arrested for sharing this information, so its a pretty dramatic situation.  i know im going down but i don't care.  i have to speak out.  the FBI shows up and takes me into custody.  

So the next scene is in the courtroom and im in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs.  Casey is on the witness stand and they ask her during a line of questioning, "..so do you think that Mr. Bowles would admit publicly he was wrong and back down on what he has said?"  There is a long dramatic pause and Casey stands up and screams "He would Die First!!!!"  I immediately jump up out of my seat and start yelling, "thats what I'm talking about!"  and as the bailiff and officers are getting me under control the audience in the courtroom begins shouting "USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!"

After Casey told me this I was so pumped I was pretty much yelling, "thats what I'm talking about" in real life.  And not just because the dream was awesome but because my girlfriend dreamt this about me!  She is awesome!  And so am I in her dreams!


Caseyindallas said...

What can I say??

My dreams are EPIC.

And possibly influenced by reading Ayn Rand....

and how awesome I think you are in real life.

Danielle said...

Wow, that's a pretty detailed dream. I very rarely have dreams and when I do I can only remember bits and pieces of them. The only time that they were really vivid was when I was pregnant...
Anyway, pretty sweet dream I must admit!

Aaron Sutton said...

Dude, that's a killer dream....

Love it!!

Andrew said...

Sounds like a dream caused by a concoction comprised of three parts: A. Casey has been reading a lot of Ayn Rand. B. The Current economic crisis which has become at the forefront of all our thoughts, and C. Logan is the man.