Sunday, November 23, 2008


So casey and I went to Goodwill in search of bad Christmas sweaters for a party.  While we were there I couldn't help but think that I was using this trip as a joke and many of the people in the store had to shop there b/c they have no money.  I don't necessarily think that there is anything wrong with going shopping for ugly clothes at goodwill.  After all I am contributing to the "cause" because I am purchasing something at the store.  And honestly I am doing the person that would have actually bought that sweater in seriousness a favor by taking it off the shelf.  but i still couldn't help but think of the situations i have described here. 

also, i went to northpark mall today.  after purchasing some stuff for myself and a bit of Christmas shopping I walked past the angel tree.  Casey and I couldn't help but pick one up.  We found an awesome 11 year old that wanted a telescope.  how sweet is that?!?!?!  this kid could be a future astronomer or astronaut.  and why not, this is America.  Where anyone can become anything.  anyways, the point is that i challenge all of your reading this to also pick up an angel after shopping at northpark.  If you can spend $200 bucks in neiman marcus then you can spend 30 bucks on a coat for a kid that needs to be warm.  plus the salvation army is one of the truly great charities that actually spends most of its money helping people instead of setting up fundraisers for rich people and movie stars.  i love the salvation army.  

and yes im depressed about tech football.  however, i have to once again be thankful for how far we have come.  we were happy to just beat a&m or Ut and get to a bowl game only a few years ago.  Now its bcs or bust.  and we are going to finish in the top ten barring an upset this year.  while im disappointed and need to be thankful for how well our team has played this year.  and for all you haters, i think we might be better next year besides two people.  two important people but still, we could be better

1 comment:

Aggie said...

"this kid could be a future astronomer or astronaut. and why not, this is America. Where anyone can become anything."

Your goal should be to add some pro-conservative rant into every post. Beat us over the head with it, Ayn Rand style.