Wednesday, October 21, 2009

18 questions to William

So I asked William if I could ask him 20 questions at about 8:15 tonight. He usually goes to bed around 9 and I had to study so it was my secret way of getting him to stay up. The account goes something like this.

"William can I ask you 20 questions?"

William says, "Why?"

"Question 19, how many questions do I have left?"

William says, "18"

"You must be a math teacher"

And then he went to bed. So as he was leaving he said email them to him. Of course I thought that was crazy and remember that he only responds to my serious questions with the answer, "put it in my blog". So instead I will put the questions in my blog and see if William has the guts to answer them.

18. Why do you shy away from my questions and only answer aspects of your vegetarianism through your blog?

17. When I move out do you want my chair?

16. Will you go dancing with us on Halloween?

15. Why don't you quit faking it and show us the meat you hide stashed somewhere in the house.

14. What is the next thing you will do to support your liberalism?

13. Why don't you wear tighter jeans, everyone demands it?

12. Why won't you take me to The Place with you?

11. Why won't you admit I'm your favorite roommate and quit toying with M and J?

10. If you won't get confrontational with me can we be overly agreeable about something? You pick the topic.

9. Is that your beer in the fridge? I am thirsty.

8. Is the closet really quiter?

7. Can you hear me when I go in the hallway and try to yell through the wall at you?

6. What is your favorite color?

5. Why will you not admit that Kelly Clarkson is your favorite pop artist?

4. What is it you really see in MTV?

3. Are you writing a book on this fantasy language you seem to be creating?

2. Will that book be written in the fantasy language?

1. If so how will the rest of us read it?